Sam turned 1 on July 10th! He loved his cake and could have cared less about anything else. Since he's the 4th kid and I knew that he wouldn't, we just had a little family celebration which turned out to be just right! Can't find those pictures though. Will post if I find them.
A few days after my last post we got a difficult phone call. James's grandmother had passed away suddenly. For the last couple of years she had been battling lung cancer that was spreading. We were beginning to make preparations to visit in her in a couple of weeks anyway, which made it hard to tell the kids as they were already very excited to go see Mauzy. It was not until we were there, I think, that they realized they would not be able to talk and play with her this time even though we were staying in her house.
Emily took it the hardest of the children. They were very close and Emily has many fond memories of Mauzy. She will still say sometimes that she misses Mauzy very much and that it is hard not to be able to talk to her. Rachel is very matter-of-fact about these things. At the viewing she came to me asked why we could not touch Mauzy. I told her that we could if she wanted to, so she and I went and held Mauzy's hand for a minute. It did bother her that the lower portion of the casket was closed and she could not see Mauzy's legs. A friend asked if I had the funeral director open it up. I'm happy to report that it was not necessary, she accepted my explanation that her legs were still there. As I reflected on this little bit of Rachel-ness, I realized that I should not have been surprised. She wanted nothing to do with Sam in the hospital until she could see his body~his head with the hospital cap poking out of the burrito blanket just did not cut it for her! Eli remembers Mauzy and knows that she died. We saw her house listing on the internet the other day and he knew it was her house. I hope he will always be able to remember her at least a little. Sam only saw her once, last fall when we made a last minute trip when we found out that the cancer was back. I am so glad we went then!
We stayed in Maryland a little over a week. It was a tiring trip for this poor(as in bad)traveler, but good to see family even under the circumstances. We had a "picnic". That's what Mauzy called a big get-together with 40-50 folks eating crabs, pizza and hot dogs under the carport and playing in the yard. It was strange without her there giving us all little jobs to get ready, but an appropriate way to celebrate her life. She loved nothing more than family and friends and a friendly card game!
When we got home, there was a lot of planning, organizing and preparations to be made for heading back to school. We got it all done and went back to school without the first picture being made! Another accomplishment to add to my Mother of the Year nomination form.
Sam also began walking during those early August days. Now he can keep up with those big long as a gate doesn't get in his way! Just a couple of weeks ago he went down the stairs by himself. One of those gates didn't get closed. He's always wondered what the sibs were doing downstairs in the he knows! We're pretty sure an unseen hand was helping him out!

So now we're in the school and preschool routine. Emily is in 1st grade and loving it. Rachel and Eli are in preschool 3 days a week and Sam and I go to preschool 2 days a week. We've had pink eye. We've had swine flu. Poor Rachel missed her trip to Old Baker Farm that everyone else is posting pictures about, but maybe she'll be done with illness for the year. We'd like to get on with the fun stuff of fall now. Football, Pumpkins, Crisp Air, Apples, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Autumn is upon us. We're going to enjoy it!
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