We had a truly wonderful Christmas together. Christmas Eve was spent making cookies for Santa, wrapping presents, and watching endless Christmas movies. Finally, that evening we shared our birthday gifts to Jesus and read the Christmas story at bedtime.
At 3 am Emily came running into our room to let us know that it was Christmas Day. I groggily told her that she was right and to go back to bed. Amazingly she complied. James and I slept lightly for the rest of the morning though listening for little feet (and feeding Sam). She made it until 6:15 when she came down and went into the living room before coming to tell us that Santa had visited. We told her to she had to go get her brother and sister before she went back to check it all out, which gave us time to start the video camera. I got some still photos this year as you see but mostly we were just enjoying the moment.
They were so cute!! Eli still doesn't really get the whole Santa thing, but he enjoyed his train table and tracks anyway. Emily and Rachel got their "growing puppies" that they have been seeking for 2 years. Sam got cute stuff that he is too little for. We spent the day making cupcakes, playing with dolls, puppies, trains and cars. It was a nice, relatively quiet (not really a word we use often in this house), enjoyable day as we celebrated the most important birthday, that of our Savior, Jesus Christ by sharing the day with those who mean the most to us.
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