I finally had to mop the kitchen on Monday. I hate to mop! I would rather scrub hundreds of toilet bowls than mop my relatively small kitchen. I sweep daily (usually, 'cause if I don't a third world country could eat off it for a week by the end of one day), but that would not take care of the dried up Apple Juice River-bed created by Rachel Sunday afternoon. So I aired out the rugs, moved the chairs, table and high chair to the living room and got to it. I even did a really good job too, fresh cleaner smell and all! I replaced all the furniture and even wiped down the wall behind Eli's seat (apparently his art canvas that is usually hidden by his chair).
After two meals and a snack, guess what?! Sticky again. I am into instant and lasting gratification when it comes to house work. I need to see improvement right away and it is nice if it can stay improved for a little while, is 24 hours really too much to ask? My brain knows that it is when the residents are Kindergartners and younger, but really daily mopping just ain't gonna happen here.
Ironically, my toilets are dirty too...
3 days ago