I was reminded today how important it is remember where we came from, why we're here and where we hope we are going. James was manning Sam during the last hour of church while I was in Primary. He left Sam in the chapel with a grandparent-like couple for a few minutes while he tended to some of his responsibilites. Sam was giving the grandpa his furrowed-brow who-are-you? look and the man leaned over to him and said "What was it like being with Jesus?" Sam suddenly smiled at him and held on to his fingers until James came back.
In the hustle and bustle, especially at this time of year, I needed that reminder that my little one did just come from His presence, that we are all God's children and that He deperately wants us to return to Him. In the crazy string of events that make up our household's daily life it is easy to forget how precious each of us and each moment together is. How blessed our family is!
We hope you will take a moment to count your blessings too.
3 days ago